Pitta Dosha:

Pitta types are characterized by their intensity (hot-blooded). Anyone with reddish hair, florid or freckled complexion usually has a lot of Pitta in their physiology. When in balance pitta's are warm and ardent in their emotions; expressionable, loving and content. Pitta's have a compelling charm about them... passionate, intense and somewhat volatile by nature. A face glowing with happiness is indicative of a healthy, balanced pitta. Physically pitta's are medium in size with a well-proportioned body and usually maintain their weight without drastic fluctuations. Their hair is characteristically straight and fine, red, auburn, blonde or sandy in color and tends to gray prematurely. Baldness, thinning hair or receding hair-line is also a sign of strong or excess pitta. The skin is warm, soft and fair and doesn't tan easily. Pitta's have sharp, penetrating intellects and good powers of concentration. Their work, usually intellectually orientated, can easily become an all-consuming passion leading to neglect of everything else. They incline towards anger as their negative emotion and stress easily brings this out. They can be irritable and impatient, demanding and perfectionistic, particularly if out of balance. Pitta's sleep is moderate and comes closest to the normal eight hours a night. Pitta's most important function is to regulate the metabolism. digestive disorders, heartburn, stomach ulcers, inflammation etc, are examples of disturbed or excess pitta.

Characteristics of Pitta:

Moderate build
Medium memory
Prefers cold food/drink
Sharp hunger/good digestion
Can't skip meals
Tendency to redness
Good speakers
Inclined towards irritability/temper
Enterprising/sharp character
Aversion to hot, humid weather
Performs activity with medium speed
Orderly and efficient
Medium time to grasp new information
Tendency to moles and freckles

Balanced Pitta:
Unbalanced Pitta
Aggravates Pitta:
Lustrous complexion
Good digestion
Softness of skin
Heat/thirst balanced
Loving and content
Yellowish complexion
Excessive body heat
Disturbed sleep
Poor digestion
Hot, humid weather
Wrong food/drink
Overexposure to Sun
Pitta season (summer)

Foods that balance pitta:


Foods that aggravate pitta:


Pitta Pacifying Diet - When this dosha is out of balance and during pitta season
(also recommended for adverse Mars transit)

Favor juicy, cooling foods with high water content. Avoid hot spices (chiles, cayenne, jalepeno peppers, etc.), alcohol, vinegar, fried foods, tomatoes, yogurt and cheese..
Also, food should be fresh and organic if possible. Avoid leftovers, packaged, canned or bottled foods, processed foods, preservatives, artificial ingredients and salty foods.
An asterisk* after the item means it is especially helpful to favor or to avoid that particular food.

Favor the Following Foods
GENERAL: Cool to lukewarm drinks according to preference. Favor sweet, bitter, and
astringent tastes.

GRAINS: Wheat, white rice ( basmati, jasmine, etc.) barley, oats, quinoa, kamut, amaranth, cous-cous.

LEGUMES: Mung beans, small kidney beans, non-fermented soy bean products (tofu is OK, avoid tempeh). All others OK in moderation.

VEGETABLES: Asparagus, artichokes, yellow squash*, zucchini*, okra, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, cilantro*, sprouts, lettuce, chard*, brussel sprouts, parsley, cucumber*, kale*, bok choy*, winter squashes*, sweet corn, all green leafy vegetables* except spinach.

DAIRY: Milk* (boiled and served cool to warm), butter, ghee*, sweet lassi*, cream, panir (homemade cheese from milk).

SWEETENERS: Whole, natural sugar cane (in small amounts), date sugar.

OILS: Ghee* is best. Olive or coconut oils.

NUTS & SEEDS: Pumpkin seeds. Blanched almonds in small amounts.

SPICES: Coriander*, cilantro*, cumin, turmeric, saffron, fennel*, cardamom, parsley*, fresh basil.  

FRUITS: Sweet grapes, avocado, sweet mango, coconut, melons*, sweet plums,  persimmon, pomegranate, sweet apples, sweet pears, raisins, dates.  

NONVEGETARIAN: Chicken, turkey, egg white.

Reduce the Following Foods
GENERAL: Pungent* (hot, spicy), sour and salty tastes. Vinegar*, alcohol* and acidic* foods.

GRAINS: Corn, millet, rye, buckwheat, brown rice.

VEGETABLES: Tomatoes* and tomato sauce*, radish, onions, carrots, beets, spinach*.

FRUITS: Grapefruit*, olives*, orange*, peach, sour grapes*, pineapple*, berries*, prunes, banana*, lemon*, lime*, cherries.  Avoid any sour fruits.

DAIRY: Yogurt*, cheese* (especially aged and salty such as feta or blue cheese,) sour cream, cream cheese.

SWEETENERS: Molasses, brown sugar,  honey.

OILS: Almond, corn, safflower, sesame*, canola.

SPICES: Chili peppers*, cayenne*, onion, garlic*, mustard seeds*, cloves, celery seeds, fenugreek, catsup*, mustard*, asafoetida (hing.)*, ginger, black pepper, soy sauce.

NONVEGETARIAN: Seafood, fish, beef*, pork, lamb, egg yolk.