Note 45: 2008-03-28
from: Andrew Gault
email: withheld
I love your web site, as I'm sure a lot of other people do too. Thank you for all the help you have given me, and recently for helping me get my own web site up and running.
Love, Andrew
Note 47: 2011-02-17
from: Bhaskar
email: withheld
Dear Mrs. Wendy,
Some years ago as a student of Bhartiya Vidya Bhuvan which is one of the Premier institutions for Jyotish and other cultural studies and much recognised, famed and respected not only in India, but in the world. We students were learning calculations of Divisional charts, and when the class was about to end, one student asked where we could find e books and other informations on Jyotish related. The Professor who was presiding over the class, You would be surprised to know Mrs. Wendy, he referred to your website - "Jyotish Vidya" for resources. This is a true story, coming from first person and the Professor still teaches there.
Could you receive a better compliment than the above? In India, in a Cultural Institution which bears the word "Bhartiya" in a place where Indian astrology was being taught in the class, the professor remembered and found your website so important as to refer to us students. Your website created by a foreigner (Your good self), who is not an Indian, who probably never visited India, who is doing Indian astrology is being referred in India by an Indian Professor. What more could we have asked for?
Does not this make it clear that your efforts have been given more credence than what you could have hoped for, or aspired for, when you embarked on creation of this site?
So please rest assured that you are of Jyotish, for Jyotish, and supposed to be connected to Jyotish. At the right place.
Best wishes,
Note 48: 2011-04-16
from: Rahul Sharma
email: withheld
Respected Wendy Ji
So much to learn from you...., Please for the future generation please write a book or create a DVD course so that novice like us can benifit....
Speak the truth so straight forward great...
Please write or create DVD...
Jai Shri Ganesh
Gajaananam bhoodha ghanaathi sevitham
kabhitha jamboo palasara pakshitham
umaasutham sokha vinaasakaranam
namaami vigneswara paadha pankajam