Adhyaya 1
Adhyaya 2
Pada 3
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SU. 1. yishame tadadirnavamamsah.
If the birth falls in an odd sign, the Navamsa Dasas commence from it.

SU. 2. Anyatha darsadihi.
In the even signs the Navamsa Dasas commence from the Abhimukha Rasis.

SU. 3. Sasinandapnvnkah kramadabdajz sthziraldasayam.
In the Sthira or fixed sign Dasa, the movable sign Dasa will be 7. the fixed Dasa will be 8 years and the Dasa of the common Rasi will extend to 9 years.

SU. 4 Brahmadiresha.
The Sthira Dasa commences from the Rasi occupied by Brahma.

SU. 5. Atha pranah.
Jaimini now begins to explain the strength of the planets and the Rasis. Prana, here as well as in the previous sutras, means sources of strength the planet and the signs get.

SU. 6. Karakayogah prathamo bhanam.
That Rasi or sign becomes the strongest, which has the conjunction of Atmakaraka.

SU. 7. Saamye bhuyasa.
If other sources of strength are equal, then the conjunction of larger number of planets gives greater strength.

SU. 8. Thathastungadih.
If these sources of strength are equal, then exaltation, friendly houses, and Moolatrikonas give them vitality.

SU. 9. Nisargasthathah.
Then the Nisarga or permanent sources of strength must be considered.

SU. 10. Thadabhave swamin ithham bhavah.
If the Rasi has one of the Karakadi sources of strength, then its power will be that which its
lord possesses from the associations of Karaka, etc.

SU. 11. Agrayatto visesliath.
According to the Jaimini Sutras the planets which gets the highest number of degrees among others will become the most powerful.

SU. 12. Prativesikah purushe.
In the odd sign, it gets strength from the planets who occupy the 12th and 2nd from it.

SU. 13. Ithi prathamah.
The sources of strength named in the above sutras will be the first set of inquiry into the powers of a Rasi or its lord.

SU. 14. Swami gurugnadrigyogo dwiteeyah.
The second set of strength for a Rasi is derived by the aspect of its own lord, Jupiter or Mercury.

SU. 15. Swuminastruteeyah.
The third set of strength for the lord will be the one to be detailed below.

SU. 16. Swatswaminah kantakadishwaparadourbalyam.
Those planets who are in Kendras, Panaparas and Apoklimas from the Atmakaraka become
more and more powerless than him.

SU. 17. Chaturthah purushe.
If the lord of the Rasi falling in Purusha Rasi (odd sign) has evil conjunctions and aspects, this will become the 4th source of strength to the Rasi.

SU. 18. Pitrulabhaprathamapranyadi shooladasa niryane.
Take the stronger out of the two 1st and 7th. Then from the stronger of these two, take the Shoola Dasas, viz., 1, 5 and 9. Find out which of these Shoola Rasis becomes the strongest. Then ascribe the death period to it as certain.

SU. 19. Pitrulabhaputrapranyadih pituh.
Putra 9, Pa 1, Ra 2=12, reversed it means 21, divided by 12, we have the balance 9, hence the 9th house is meant. Take the Lagna and 7th and find out the 9th houses from them. Whichever is stronger in these two ninth houses, take that and find out their Shoola Dasas and prescribe death to father in the most unfavourable of these Shoola Dasas, viz., 1, 5 and 9.

SU. 20. Adarsadirnmatuh.
Take the most powerful in 1 or 7. Take the 4th from it and find the Shoola Dasas from it, whichever is the most powerful among the 1st, 5th or 9th predict death to the mother in that

SU. 21. Karmadirbhrathuh.
Take the 3rd from Lagna or the 7th whichever is stronger, and ascribe death to brothers and sisters in the most powerful of the Shoola Dasas from it.

SU. 22. Matradirbjhngirteeputr ryolt.
Take the Lagna or the 7th whichever is stronger and find the 5th from it. Sons and sisters will
die in the most cruel of the Shoola Dasas from the above 5th house.

SU. 23. vyayadirjaishtasya.
Take the 11th from Lagna or 7th whichever is stronger, and predict death to elder brothers in the most unfavourable Shoola Dasa from it.

SU. 24. Pitruvatpitruvarge.
Take the stronger of the two Lagnas and the 7th. Find out the 9th from it. From this take the Shoola Dasas and predict death to paternal uncles, etc., in the evil period among them.

SU. 25. Brahmadih purushe sama dasanthah.
If the Lagna falls in a purusha or masculine Rasi, the Dasas or periods commence from the sign occupied by the Brahma. The extent of the Rasi Dasa is thus determined. Take the 6th from the Dasa Rasi. Find out the number of the house the lord of it occupies and that number will be the extent in years of that Dasa.

SU. 26. Sthana vyathikarah.
When the Janma Lagna falls in an odd sign, the Dasas commence from the Rasi occupied by Brahma in regular order. If the Lagna falls in an even sign, then the Dasas commence regularly from the 7th house from Brahma.

SU. 27. Papadrigyogastungadigrahayogah.
The conjunctions and aspects of malefics are a source of strength for the Rasis. So also is added another source of strength to (the Rasi) by planets (situated there)
being in exaltation, Moolatrikona and very friendly and friendly houses.

SU. 28. Panchame padu kramat prakpratynktvam.
If the 9th from Lagna happens to be incorporated in an odd sign, take the Rasi Dasas in the
regular order. If it happens to be incorporated in an even sign, take the Rasi Dasas in the inverse order or backwards. The commencement of the Dasa should be from the Lagna. Ketu in these cases is considered as a benefic.

End of Third Pada of Second Adhyaya